Thursday, September 24, 2020

9. Revision (Digital Fluency Initiative)

 Google Level 1 Exam

I passed - yeh!!!

As others have said - the hardest part was getting started. I tried an Incognito window first, passed the equipment test, then ran into an error when the exam started. The help people are really good and I quickly ditched the Incognito window, then I had to wait another 19 minutes for the next window to sit the exam - then my 3 hours started and it went quite smoothly.

I had already logged out of my You Tube Channel - so had no problems there.

I was surprised my the number of scenarios that used Classroom, but luckily I have had a lot of practice with that in school.

It was a little awkward getting back to normal after the exam. Every time I opened any Google app, it would default to my exam sitter log in. I fixed this by deleting the Proctor U extension and deleting the exam sitter profile. Then somehow that lost my normal Google account, but I was able to enter my email address and log in and it remembered my profile (my photo was still there) but I lost all my bookmarks. My email layout was still the same, so strange.

Anyway - life is back to normal now. Looking forward to my Friday's returning to my usual part-time hours.

Has been a great experience - and I am still loving my web site!

A big thanks to Dorothy, Dave and all the other facilitators!

Friday, September 11, 2020

8 Computational Thinking (Digital Fluency Initiative)


Moral Machine

I don't believe this is a very good test. I chose to hit the barrier every time because people in the car are protected by seat belts, air bags, and the fact that the bonnet folds in and softens the blow. People in the street are very, very vulnerable to any impact from a vehicle.

The only time I didn't hit the barrier was when I went for the dogs. Never swerve for an animal.

When I had two kill one of the pedestrians, I chose the one in my lane. The outcomes were equal and staying in your lane is following the road code.

But when you look at my results below - the test is trying to determine which type of human I favoured - pffft!

Minecraft (Beginners Guide to Coding)

Signing up for the exam

I watched the LONG video (in double time) and he stressed how helpful it was to use an incognito window. 

But when I did an equipment test with the incognito window it failed - no monitor. So I tried again from a normal window and it passed.

Is it just because it is the end of the day and the end of the week and I am exhausted, but I think it will be a miracle if I can even get into this exam let alone pass it.

Friday, September 4, 2020

7. Devices (Digital Fluency Intensive)


Today we learnt some great keyboard shortcuts for Chromebooks and how to use the whiteboard on Explain Everything.

Below is the Project I created using Explain Everything: 


I was particularly interested in Manaiakalani's Kawa of Care for taking care of Chromebooks. So I have taken a copy of these slides from the Smart Learners' section and modified it for use in my class: