Thursday, September 24, 2020
9. Revision (Digital Fluency Initiative)
Friday, September 11, 2020
8 Computational Thinking (Digital Fluency Initiative)
Moral Machine
Minecraft (Beginners Guide to Coding)
Signing up for the exam
Friday, September 4, 2020
7. Devices (Digital Fluency Intensive)
Today we learnt some great keyboard shortcuts for Chromebooks and how to use the whiteboard on Explain Everything.
Below is the Project I created using Explain Everything:
Friday, August 28, 2020
6. Enabling Access - Sites (Digital Fluency Intensive)
Today I have vastly improved my site:
This included making:
Slides - for the classwork on Monday
Documents - for classwork and homework
A form - to collect data on the students
Sheets - to share the data collected with the students
Note also that students will be able to paste the graphs they create in a shared doc.
The next step is to link their work back to the site.
Note also that everything is in a folder that everyone with the link can view and I have only locked down one file - the sheet that will hold the students responses to the form (with their email addresses). But everyone will be able to see the completed graphs - as these won't have any individual's information on them (I hope!)
Friday, August 21, 2020
5. Sites (Digital Fluency Intensive)
This week we learnt about the Visible part of Manaiakalani and Google Sites.
- You can add protections to globally shared docs so that they cannot download or forward the doc on
- For docs with multiple editors you can restore previous versions via the editing history, and you can name different versions (to go back to them)
- There is a way to split your screen by dragging off a tab
- Switching off Grid view in Meet allows you a bigger view of the presentation
- Hapara - Sharing folders should be empty. All students docs should be filed in Hapara created folders.
I explored a wonderful secondary school's Maths site: Algebra. I found resources I want to use and ideas for my next site. I also filled in the feedback form and gave Aimee my email address.
T-shaped literacy
Friday, August 14, 2020
4. Dealing with Data(Digital Fluency Initiative)
Today we learnt about the Share stage of Manaiakalani and Google Sheets.
Hot Tips
- Polyline - I was admiring Barry Huhu's profile picture and comparing it to my attempt via Drawing and he said he used Polyline, which is apparently easy for kids to create with.
- YouTube - I missed this tip from last week - that you can set a video to start at the point you want it to.
- - first I have heard of this week or site.
- Blog - the best way to show my doc in my blog may be to embed a video of me talking about it (either through screen castify or recording a meeting with someone). Towards the end of the day we embedded a Google Drawing of our data analysis, which can also be done with slides but can it be done from a doc?
Hapara tip
Teachers can use Hapara to monitor posts and comments, particularly the red comments as they are from non-Google accounts. Dorothy said their was a "3 Check System" - what are the three checks? Is there any automated checking for inappropriate language (for example)? Or is the teacher the only safeguard? And does it even matter if students are on other social media? Possible answer below.
- use a blank form (not a theme/template)
- personalise the acknowledgment (Settings, Presentations)
- Import videos etc (embedding html codes is for blogs and sites only
- Import a video and ask questions about it
- Use as a digital worksheet - shuffle question order to encourage own work, or lock mode (only works on managed CBs)
My Map
- Yay!!! - I have Freeze Panes now!
- Note you can start typing the formula directly into the worksheet if you know its name - I find this faster than using the menu.
- I found the 1dp custom format today (thought I was restricted to 2 or 0)
- Dave showed us the list of keyboard shortcuts
- The slides for this topic had GIFS in them (wee videos of how to, no sound just animation) - I want to make some of these for my students.
Blog Data Analysis
Blog Comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Plan for a unit of work
Plan for the next unit of work
Friday, August 7, 2020
3. Media (Digital Fluency Initiative)
Today we learnt about the Create stage of Manaiakalani and we learnt to create content with Sight, Sound and Motion (SISOMO).
- Measurement topic - get students to draw rectangles for other students to calculate the perimeter and area
- Get students to lie on the ground to make shapes and take photos of them
- Last year another Maths teacher at our school got students to trace around their feet, cut them out, measure them, then stick them on the classroom wall to make a dot plot of the distribution of foot lengths in the class - a great visual creation!
- SIGHT - The Matrix - wow! I wanted to be Trinity! Surely we can all run around the walls of a room if we just launch ourselves with enough speed.
- SOUND - Surround Sound in the home lounge with Sub Woofer (circa 1996) We watched Twister and the booming went straight through our chests as a physical feeling.
- SURROUND SIGHT - Dragonheart in the Cinema. When the Dragon flew over us and the sound traveled from the back of the cinema to the front and before the shadow appeared on the screen (while the dragon was over our heads) they flicked on and off the houselights so it felt like the shadow was going over us!
You Tube
Hot tips
Te Reo
- 1 for the latest work
- 25 for learning conversations with individuals